Project Update
Project Update: The Design Team has been working hard these past few months obtaining necessary data and developing a draft preliminary alignment as part of the Flood Mitigation Project - Phase 1 Design. As the preliminary alignment is a draft at this point, review and feedback is being sought. Upcoming efforts include:
February 2025 - Stakeholder Group meeting, which includes State and Federal agency representatives to review the draft preliminary alignment and provide feedback.
Early March 2025 - Individual meetings with targeted property owners to review the draft preliminary alignment and provide feedback. Property owners with piers and/or other property specific characteristics will have an opportunity to meet with project design team members for a one-on-one review and discussion. Targeted property owners will be contacted for scheduling purposes.
March/April 2025 - Preliminary Alignment Public Outreach Session
“Preliminary alignment" in a design project refers to the initial stage of establishing the basic layout and positioning of key elements within the design. Examples include the extent and placement of the living shoreline and embankment. This step in the design process allows for easy adjustments and iterations as the design evolves based on feedback and further analysis.
Make Cambridge Resilient Initiative
The "Make Cambridge Resilient Initiative" has been expanded beyond the shoreline and stormwater flood risk reduction project to include a community development program. Recommendations from the "Flood Mitigation Plan" included the identification of additional community improvement planning and projects. These recommendations formed the basis for the new community development program included under the "Make Cambridge Resilient Initiative."
This website has been updated to include information on all aspects of the "Make Cambridge Resilient Initiative."
Make Cambridge Resilient - Flood Mitigation Plan
The purpose of this plan was to comprehensively evaluate factors and conditions contributing to both existing and future flooding problems. To the extent feasible, the planning process included the development of flood mitigation and resilience strategies that lended themselves to innovative funding opportunities taking advantage of various desirable co-benefits for the environment, economy, and community. This planning project was primarily focused on mitigating flood risks along the Choptank River and Cambridge Creek, which are the primary sources of flooding in the city.